New beginnings can also bring challenges as you navigate a new environment. SET SAIL was created to help you master those challenges and launch your success by teaching you how to:

  • Take charge of your learning inside and outside of the classroom in new and exciting ways
  • 利用赌城平台网站资源助你成功
  • Navigate the New College academic program and use it to support your goals



Dr. 蒂亚戈·佩雷斯

Ever wondered how a company could learn what makes you tick by having one of your friends (not you!)安装应用程序? 塔吉特是如何在你父母之前知道你怀孕的? 你的密码真的“强”吗?? 所有的谷歌搜索都是匿名的吗? 在我们生活的信息时代, knowing the basics of Data Science and Computer Security have become fundamental to protect your data, 你的隐私, 甚至你的钱. No experience with programming or background in computer/data science needed.


  • 迈出你成为网络忍者的第一步
  • Protect your data, privacy, and money in the information age
  • Work in a team environment to understand data and security issues

Dr. 蒂亚戈·佩雷斯 is an Assistant Professor of Data Science at New College. 原产巴西, 他于2005年获得佐治亚理工学院学士学位, 我在IT行业工作了几年, 并于2019年获得科罗拉多大学博士学位. His studies and research encompass both computer security and Data Science. 在业余时间, 他喜欢和他的5个孩子在一起, 棋盘游戏, 各种形式的电影和科幻小说.


Dr. 林江

气候变化, 臭氧层空洞, 水污染, 空气污染, 赤潮, and other societal issues are regularly featured in the media. Chemistry plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges. Looking into these issues and learning the chemical processes behind them can improve the quality of our daily lives.

We’ll understand how chemistry can change our daily lives and what it tells us about possible solutions to environmental problems the world is facing by:

  • Thinking 评论家ally about complex subjects by applying broad knowledge and transferable skills in a socially responsible manner.
  • Monitoring the environment through field trips such as testing natural dyes and measuring the hardness index of water samples.
  • Using case studies and analyzing the chemical process behind them then communicating with a general audience.

Dr. Lin is a bioorganic chemist and environmental chemist at New College. She is interested in the practical applications of various natural products in environmental and human health areas. 当她不教学或做研究的时候, 她喜欢读书。, 画漫画, 和旅行. 她去过美国30多个州. Dr. Lin enjoys playing all types of STEAM games with her two wonderful kids.


Dr. 何塞Soto-Shoender

Are you interested in exploring and learning about the ecosystems of the 萨拉索塔 Bay Watershed or the ecosystems in and around New College campus? Do you want to develop lifelong skills that will help you conduct ecological studies? Let’s observe first-hand how ecosystems are managed across our local parks and the challenges faced in their conservation.


  • Witness human interactions with wild spaces in our local area as you kayak and sail our waterways.
  • Meet local professionals working on conservation issues through field trips to local parks and ecosystems.
  • 提出, 设计, and implement your own fieldwork projects to answer questions about the ecology of the New College campus and local wild spaces.

Dr. 何塞Soto-Shoender is a 访问ing Assistant Professor of Biology and Ecology at New College. Originally from Guatemala, he obtained his graduate degrees (MSc. and PhD) in wildlife ecology and conservation from the University of Florida. He has worked in wildlife ecological and conservation projects in Central America, The U.S.和非洲. 当他不教书的时候, you will find him exploring natural areas of Florida with his family and two dogs.

泰勒·福琼上尉是滨水区的主管 & 赌城平台网站娱乐. He has been a professional mariner for almost 15 years, holding a master captain’s license. His degree is in marine science and has done several marine restoration projects in Florida, 加勒比海和新英格兰. 除了实地工作, he has taught marine and environmental sciences in New England and Florida. With a passion for the ocean he is often found doing any number of sea sports; like 航行, 潜水或冲浪.


Dr. 马里亚纳Sendova

为什么日落是明亮的红色和橙色? 你是否曾下定决心让星星离你更近? 我们将通过探索光来扩展你的视野. 光是我们自然世界的主要媒介. 通过对光的研究, we understand the composition of stars and galaxies that are light years away, while simultaneously we watch microscopic processes of living cells in vivo. 在这个课堂上, you will be invited to: 1) Follow your passions while learning about light and our colorful reality. 2) We will guide your curious and artistic minds to observe light and meld the source with poetry, 摄影, 以及科学探究. 3) You will ponder, brainstorm, and participate in creating light ‘magic’ to share with your peers. This course will foster lifelong learning, integrative learning and basic quantitative skills.

Professor Sendova is the first female Physics professor in New College history. She is an experimental physicist with 87 publications in the areas of optical spectroscopy, 材料科学, 纳米科学, 生物物理学, 化学物理, 和考古. 她的出版物有四分之一是面向新大学生的. 在保加利亚出生和接受教育, she has done research at Emory University and in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 当她不教学或做研究的时候, 她喜欢户外活动,比如骑自行车, 皮划艇, 航行, 徒步旅行, 和野营. She admires nature and has been to almost all National parks in US including Alaska, 夏威夷, 以及美属维尔京群岛. 森多瓦教授很喜欢她的两个女儿.


Dr. 詹妮弗·威尔斯

想象你和写作处于一种关系中. 你会如何描述这种关系? 如果你回答,这很复杂,那么你并不孤单! Many NCF students have complex histories with writing some good, some not so good; and as a result, bring a lot of beliefs about writing and themselves as writers to college.

  • Learn from 60 years of research on writing in order to change any beliefs and related behaviors that limit you.
  • 读一些文章,比如安妮·拉莫特的《网赌平台网站》, unlock the secrets to analysis by playing around with Instagram filters, and consider new ways of thinking about research by looking for what is hidden in plain sight.
  • Develop a whole toolkit of strategies for reading one time and remembering what you read; staying motivated when you arent feeling it; breaking large projects into small pieces; and getting the most out of apps like Forest and Habitica.

在这堂课结束前, 你和写作可能不是最好的朋友, but you will be able to get along and enjoy each others company.


Dr. 亚伦Edidin

Abstract patterns of pitch (high or low) and duration (long or short) touch our hearts and bind us to one another. 这是怎么回事? 音乐对你重要吗? 现在有机会认真思考一下这是怎么回事. 自古以来的哲学家和音乐家, 以及过去半个世纪的认知科学家, 探索过音乐是什么吗, 它为我们(以及对我们)做了什么, and how our ears and brains make meaning out of patterns of vibration in the air. 在本课程中,你会

  • Learn about philosophical ideas about music, and respond 评论家ally to them with ideas of your own.
  • 了解有关音乐认知的研究, and 思考 how scientific facts about our minds relate to what we care about.
  • Connect abstract philosophy and scientific research to your own experience and the place of music in your life. You’ll share music that you like (and maybe some that you dislike), 我们还会联系赌城平台网站里的音乐活动. And you’ll use ideas and information from the course to discuss, 思考, 写下对你最重要的音乐.

Aron Edidin is a philosopher who explores the kinds of artistry involved in musical performance, along with issues in other parts of philosophy concerning knowledge, 语言, 和现实. He started thinking hard about music in a course about the history of musical instruments, 他喜欢古典音乐, 爵士乐, 还有实验性的新音乐.


Dr. 克里斯Kottke

This course introduces means of mathematical thinking through the exploration of problems not found in a typical math class. 而不是说教, the class is built around student exploration of the material, in order to discover and understand mathematical concepts organically, while at the same time building general transferable problem solving and teamwork skills. 我们也研究数学的社会学方面, breaking down some of the harmful preconceptions about who is suited for mathematical thought.

Dr. Christopher Kottke获得博士学位.D. in Mathematics from MIT in 2010 and has been at NCF since 2016. 数学之外, 他喜欢烹饪。, 用钢琴和小号演奏爵士乐, 骑自行车, 攀岩和爬树.


Dr. 凯瑟琳·布

The contemporary fascination with Paris is rooted in the nineteenth century. 19世纪晚期巴黎, 特别是, was full of visual attractions: not only were a wealth of images (postcards, 照片, 海报, 打印, illustrated newspapers) and other highly visible goods on display there, but the city itself presented a series of spectacular views to the urban stroller–the (in)famous flâneur. Artists were both fascinated by and 评论家al of all the city had to offer as a subject, and concerned that art might come to be seen as just one more marketable visual commodity in a Parisian consumer paradise. 难道这座城市连同它众多的景点一起出卖了它的灵魂? 艺术家会? We will ask ourselves these and many other questions as we explore the visual topography of late-nineteenth-century Paris and the role of artistic production within it. 除其他活动外,你将:

  • Hone your oral and written communication skills while exploring the visual and artistic culture of fin-de-siècle Paris.
  • Analyze a nineteenth-century artwork through the eyes of an art 评论家 from the same period. Here’s your chance to channel the likes of poet Charles Baudelaire!
  • 扮演十九世纪法国艺术家的角色, 评论家, or art dealer in a restaging of 1888-89 art debates and events, including public exhibitions related to the 1889 Paris Universal Exposition (the event that brought us the Eiffel Tower!).

Dr. 凯瑟琳·布 teaches art history and museum studies courses at New College. Her Set Sail class is inspired by her research specialization in the art and visual culture of late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century France, as well as the time she has spent living and studying in France, 包括在巴黎. 除了法国和佛罗里达之外,奥巴马博士还在其他地方. Brion has spent most of her life in California (where she was born) and Michigan. 她喜欢参观博物馆和历史遗迹, 探索自然世界(无论是徒步旅行, 寻找壳, 或者在海里游泳), 去农贸市场, 烘焙, 读小说, 和家人在一起.

Writing the Self: Becoming a Learner through First-Person Narratives from Spanish America

Dr. 索尼娅·拉布拉多

不要被这门课的题目骗了. 这不是写作课, but a course about authors from Latin America writing about their relationship with knowledge and learning. Are you a first-generation in college, or perhaps a good education is a value of your family. Come and read about historical and fictional characters’ struggle to have access to an education, 面对奴役, 性别的限制, 监禁和迫害, 身体上的限制.                                                                                        


  • Reflect about your journey as a learner and share your experience with fellow learners. What are the challenges that you are facing as a first semester student?
  • Learn reading strategies to find better ways to approach reading assignments and enjoy reading literature.
  • Get to know some of the most fascinating authors from Spanish-America

Dr. 索尼娅·拉布拉多 Rodríguez was born in a small rural town in Puerto Rico. She and her brother were the first members of her family to attend college. She did her BA at the University of Puerto Rico-Rico Piedras and her MA/Phd at SUNY-Stony Brook, N.Y. 她对思想史感兴趣, and non-traditional ways of accessing and producing knowledge. At New College, she teaches Spanish, Caribbean and Latin-American literature. 她喜欢钩针编织和园艺.